
Friday, October 31, 2008

Jennifer Hudson and Sister Establish Foundation

One week after the slayings of her mother, brother, and nephew, Jennifer and sister Julia honor their family. On Thursday, Jennifer Hudson's family announced they were establishing a new foundation for families of murder victims.

The Hudson-King Foundation for Families of Slain Victims was named in honor of Jennifer Hudson's murdered mother Darnell Hudson Donerson, brother Jason Hudson and nephew Julian King. The purpose of the Foundation is to care for the needs of families who have lost relatives to a violent crime. This includes food, clothing, shelter and grief counseling.

"The specific purpose of the Foundation is to care for the needs of families who have lost relatives to a violent crime," the family said in a statement. "This encompasses their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter as well as grief counseling."

Before the announcement was made, a prayer vigil was held Wednesday night in Chicago.

"Jennifer sang her first song in this church -- she said her first prayer in this church," said her cousin Shari Nichols Witt of the Pleasant Gift Missionary Baptist Church. Witt also spoke of the actress-singer's slain nephew, saying seven-year-old Julian King "seemed like he was ahead of his time."

The Rev. Jesse Jackson, also spoke at the vigil, and said Hudson, 27, and her family "are overwhelmed by the suddenness and the unexpectedness of it all. This family knows triumph, and they also know tragedy."

William Balfour, 27, the estranged husband of Hudson's sister Julia and the parolee considered a suspect in their shooting deaths, was held in police custody Thursday.

Donations to the Hudson-King Foundation can be sent:

c/o Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP
Attn: William L. Abrams, Esq.
237 West 35th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001


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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

237 Reasons to have Sex

A recent study which pinpointed 237 reasons why Americans have sex found that men and women aren’t that different after all. Both reported that their top reason for sex was: I was attracted to the person. Although men and women ranked other reasons a little differently, both still had 20 of the top 25 reasons in common, including: It’s fun (#8 for women, #4 for men) and I was horny (#7 for both).

Other interesting results show that more women prize intelligence (#39) over humor (#44), but men prefer beautiful eyes (#45) to both intelligence (#48) and humor (didn’t make men’s Top 50).

It’s not much of a surprise but the biggest differences between men and women involve a lot of physical cues. For instance, men listed revealing clothes at a far higher level than women as well as a desirable body or an attractive face.

Men also tended to favor sex for reputation reasons more than women, citing I wanted to have more sex than my friends, I needed another notch on my belt, I wanted to brag to my friends about my conquests, and someone dared me as popular reasons.

Women tended to prioritize sex as a way of showing their affection or love for a person. And also they preferred romance and becoming closer to their partner.

But some of the most amusing reasons for sex are also the least common for both men and women.

* I wanted to stop my partner’s nagging.
* I wanted to get out of doing something.
* I wanted to get rid of a headache.
* I was slumming.
* I wanted to even the score with a cheating partner.

And last but not least … I wanted to change the topic of conversation.


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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What to do when sex turns out not so great!

There are many complaints from couples, mostly women, that suggest that their relationships are suffering in the sexuality department. They can range from lack of attention, to just plain not getting it done in the bedroom. What can one do about this dilemma? It is clear that the man in the relationship usually wants to please his significant other, so what is it that turns the woman away from the man, or vise versa? We will look a little deeper into the issues that surround couples who are suffering in the sexuality department of their relationship.

Men in the relationship are hard noise, get the job done, and don't ask questions along the way. I admit it, I am one of those guys. However, when it comes to my wife, I have always put her above all the rest, and placed her high on a cloud, cause that is where she belongs. When she isn't in my arms, of course. Well, one of the many complaints from women is that their husband doesn't have intimacy and tenderness. Women love to be held, touched, romanced, and caressed, it is the one thing that makes them feel special in their relationship. Doing the little things is what shows a woman, that you do have a heart, and are not just in it for sex. So what does one do to bring this aspect back into there love life. One little phrase comes to mind that sums it all up. "Do onto Others, as You would have done onto You!" Isn't that the best. If you want to be held, then hold your partner, if you want to be caressed, then caress your partner, and if you want to be romanced, then you got it romance your partner. Who said that it had to be one sided. He will get the picture, and start reciprocating the emotion.

There is another very common complaint from women, and that is they are getting to repetitious and perhaps boring. Believe me, it is so easy to fall into this trap, especially in relationship that have lasted more than 10 years. It is so easy to get caught into a sexual routine, same time, same way, and yes same place. The place part bothers me a little, we do have children, and making love outside the bedroom, is sort of out of the question. But the other factors can help influence the routine some. Variety here is the key to success, spicing up your sex life is a great way to get out of the daily routines of sex. My opinion, go sex toy shopping. I too was skeptical in the beginning, but now it makes things so much more interesting. And once you get those creative juices flowing, the routine will be changed and you have brought back the spark in your relationship. The last big complaint that women have when their sex isn't good, is the all powerful Foreplay. There are a few articles on this site that will help you out in the foreplay department. Foreplay doesn't mean just oral sex. Foreplay can start in the early morning right before heading off to work, and it can work it's way all the way into the evening if it is done right. Women need and desire foreplay, because they are emotional creatures. Their minds feed on the passion of knowing what they may or may not be getting later on after a nice quiet evening. Foreplay is the key to helping a woman become sufficiently aroused before intercourse begins. This will also help her achieve her special feeling during intercourse.

So I will close on one important fact. Communication with your partner is the key to bringing the satisfying sexual relations back into your relationship. Knowing your partners needs will greatly improve your relationship and bring yourselves closer to intimacy, the way it should be.


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Monday, October 27, 2008

Anything Goes & General News (39th Edition) our First Featured - October 27, 2008

Welcome to the October 27, 2008 (39th) Edition of Anything Goes & General News and Avicast Blog Carnival, this week we have the great honor of being the Featured Blog in Blog Carnival home page.

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Bill Urell presents Facts About Men And Addiction posted at Addiction Recovery Basics, saying, "Do you know how men are affected by addiction to drugs and alcohol in distincly different ways?"

banquet manager thatsme presents Suckin' Face... posted at So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager....

ZoH presents Confessions of a junk news junkie posted at buddha of hollywood.

AndrewB presents 7 Tips on Becoming an Active Listener | Personal Productivity posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Becoming a more active listener will greatly improve your networking power. It’s amazing how most people don’t utilize the full potential of networking. This is especially true for the more analytical and technical minded like myself. A few years ago I realized how important it was for me to start developing my social skills."

omguy presents Love, laugh and live posted at Ordinary Miracles, saying, "There is in all of us a void that cannot be filled by big houses, shiny cars or great personal achievement. This void can only be filled by mastering the art of giving and receiving love."

Cathy Ley presents Apologizing to the Woman You Love posted at Tips for Moms & Baby Websites.

pnreddy presents Canon’s Pixma MX7600 - A Great All In One Printer! | Life Info Zone.com posted at Life Info Zone.com.

Roberto Montanez presents How long can we go without sleeping? posted at Psychbits, saying, "Don't you wish we could go without sleeping? We could accomplish much more in our days. We spend one third of our lifetime sleeping. Imagine that! But why do we sleep?"

Applying the Law of Attraction presents Channeling Your Inner Energy towards Career Goals Using the Law of Attraction posted at Applying the Law of Attraction Membership Library, saying, "When you are using your inner energy to meet your own career goals you will find it far more satisfying in life. There are practices to get your inner energy to..."

Brain Blogger presents Health Care and Politics I - The Republicans posted at Brain Blogger, saying, "No matter which side of the political fence you sit on, most Americans agree that our health care system is broken. Health care costs in the United States are approximately 16% of our gross domestic product (GDP), and they are expected to reach 20% of the GDP by 2017. That amounts to a staggering $4.3 trillion! Costs are clearly out of control, yet 47 million Americans remain uninsured."

Tushar Mathur presents Advantages of Travel posted at Travel-Eat-Sleep, saying, "Mexico is a great travel destination. It's made up of different interests and cultures. People who travel to Mexico will witness many rich and diverse cultures and entertainment. From museums and opera houses to idyllic beach resorts, travelers in Mexico will definitely not ask for anything more."

Michael Snyder presents Christmas Was Not Originally A Christian Holiday posted at The Moral Collapse Of America.

Business News

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Melanie presents How to Make Your Book Idea a Reality posted at Welcome to the jexbo® blog - Tips for self-published authors and entrepreneurs!, saying, "If you want to write a book and just can't find the time, check out these tips from Jill Exler of www.jexbo.com."

Brad Trnavsky presents Keeping It Up When Everyone (and Everything) Around You is Down! - Sales Management 2.0 posted at Sales Management 2.0 - Featured Blog Posts.

Fiona Lohrenz presents Opening A Daycare Center posted at Child Care Only.

Melanie presents Are You Available to Reporters? posted at Rembrandt's PR and Writing Blog for Startup Success, saying, "Are you available for the media? Find out how to get some press with these simple tips."

Peter Murphy presents Communication Skills Power » Blog Archive » Stuck For Words? How To Rejoin The Conversation posted at Communication Skills Power.


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Melodie presents BLING: Yes, The images are SUPPOSED to be blurry | AHOODIE posted at AHOODIE.

Howling Mad Jay presents I knew it, the Rays had it all the way posted at The World's Greatest Blog.

Creep Colony presents StarCraft - Protoss Unit Stats » StarCraft / StarCraft 2 / Starcraft II Strategies, Bots, Maps, Downloads, Cheats, & News posted at Starcraft II Information, saying, "A thorough statistic of the protoss unit in Starcraft"

The Traveler presents New York Tours posted at Ellis Island - Statue of Liberty, saying, "Some tours you should see while visiting the statue of liberty"

Leslie presents Arcade Etiquette posted at Hsu Me.

DebbieDragon presents “Sometimes the greatest temptation to quit comes right before you are about to succeed.” posted at Empowering Mom.

Matthew Paulson presents Eliminate the Cable Bill - Watch Your Favorite TV Shows Online posted at American Consumer News.


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Sam presents NEW !! Best Stock Picks of the Decade !! posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "Best Stock Picks of the Decade
Someone is Getting Rich

What do the best stock picks of the decade have in common? With the exception of Apple, they were very small companies at the start. Some were microcap stocks with a market capitalization of less than $300 million. They were also unknown companies, and received little publicity or name recognition in the financial press. These stocks were also more volatile than the stocks of established large-cap companies. Most important, every one of them is characterized by strong consistent revenue growth and earnings growth. Although all are successful, these companies are a diverse group of enterprises. They demonstrate the ingenuity and creativity that builds and sustains business.

In spite of the present climate of economic weakness, with disasters in the housing and financial sectors, the threat of inflation and possible higher interest rates, other extraordinary companies like these are right now building the base for a decade of spectacular stock returns. Check out these 10 best stock picks of the decade for clues to build your portfolio of rewarding stock investments."

Mike Billy presents The Financial Crisis is Not a Market Failure | Reflections From A Rotting Nation posted at Reflections From A Rotting Nation.

Wenchypoo presents Updated: Timeless Moves You Can Make to Maximize Your Future Earnings and/or Lessen Taxes posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.

Debt Freedom Fighter presents 5 Simple Steps To Dramatically Reduce Your Debt posted at Discover Debt Freedom!.

Money Answer Guy presents What Options Are Available to Me in Paying Off My College Loan? posted at The Money Answer Guy.

DebbieDragon presents Stop Borrowing Against The American Dream posted at Debbie's Debt Advice.


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Aparna presents Talcum powder dangerous for women? posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming.

FitBuff presents How to Form Good Eating Habits posted at 3rd Chance Fitness Blog, saying, "We all wish we had good eating habits, but it’s hard. The good news is it’s also largely mental, and the following mindset will set you in the right direction."

pnreddy presents 2008 Beijing Olympics Stamp Album! | Life Info Zone.com posted at Life Info Zone.com.

FitBuff presents 8 Healthy Eating Tips to Survive This Holiday Season posted at 3rd Chance Fitness Blog, saying, "If you can remember to stick to these 8 simple healthy eating tips, especially during the holiday cheer, then you just might end up..."

Odd News

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Mike Billy presents Teen Girl Charged With Sex Offense For Sending Nude Pictures of Herself posted at Reflections From A Rotting Nation.


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Howling Mad Jay presents Joe Biden should be outraged at Sarah Palin's $150,000 wardrobe posted at The World's Greatest Blog.

Wenchypoo presents Updated: The Law of Unintended Consequences Part III—Something for Nothing posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.

David Weingarten presents B.C. Pipeline Terrorism Eerily Similar to RCMP “Dirty Tricks” posted at Weingarten.ca, saying, ""Who is behind the recent pipeling bombings in British Columbia?""


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Jules presents How to Maximize Security in Outlook Express posted at PCauthorities.com.

Top Stories

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The Traveler presents Statue of Liberty - history posted at Ellis Island - Statue of Liberty, saying, "Some history about the statue of liberty."

One Family presents Yamaha Digital Pianos (YPG, DGX, P, N, NP, CP, Arius, YDP, Clavinova CLP & CVP, and MODUS) – A Comparative Review posted at One Family's Blog, saying, "The post is comparative review of Yamaha digital pianos that attempts to guide families come to the right purchase decision."

Marcus Smith presents The Silent Treatment Works Every Time posted at MarcusASmith.com, saying, "Public speaking is a necessary skill. The silent treatment is a weapon you can use to hone that skill. Read further to find out more."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Anything Goes & General News using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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The Best Sex Positions for a Woman to Reach Orgasm During Intercourse

Men! Your woman wants an orgasm - and though she may not want it each time you have sex, she certainly isn't going to be too happy if sex is limited to you getting off and then ignoring her needs. The best way to keep her happy is to make sure she's had her pleasure before you come, and there are several sexual positions which are more likely to make this happen. So, without further ado, here's our suggested list of positions that will let her get the pleasure she craves, while making sure you don't miss out.

First of all, if you haven't tried the woman on top position, then check it out! Many women love being uppermost when it comes to making love - it's a position that allows them to move in the way that gives them the greatest pleasure, whether that's through clitoral stimulation or G spot stimulation. She can move around much more in this position, and because she's in control of her movements, she's likely to get some orgasmic satisfaction. She can either press her clitoris against the shaft of your penis, rub it against your body, or lean back or forwards so that her G spot gets the pressure it needs to give her pleasure. If you can last long enough, this is the position that gives her the greatest chance of reaching orgasm during intercourse.

If she wants to increase the sensation in her vagina, she can use her PC muscles to squeeze your penis: that will increase your pleasure, and it will certainly increase the pressure on her G spot - and most likely increase the chances of her ejaculating when she reaches orgasm. (That's the subject of another article - but basically, if her G spot is stimulated for long enough, and she's in the right frame of mind, then when she reaches orgasm, the fluid that collects in glands around her urethra will squirt out during her orgasmic contractions.)

And one other advantage of woman on top is that you can see her breasts, and caress them as she moves on top of you. Of course, if she's facing away from you, then you have the pleasure of watching her buttocks as she moves. But a lot of men find this position uncomfortable, as it bends the penis too much.

And what next? Well, the good ol' missionary. But before you groan, think again. Many women love missionary position sex, because it allows for those deep moments of intimacy and connection that women adore. And men like them too - though maybe not as much or as often as women! But sex in the man on top position, with her legs bent upwards, her knees nearer her chest, allows for deep penetration and lots of loving feeling. And if you have a penis that curves upwards when it's erect, as many do, then the man on top variations will allow your penis to stimulate her G spot as you make love. Combine this with a little clitoral play (perhaps by placing a vibrator between you both as you make love) and you have the best of all possible worlds for her!

As a refinement, you can stop thrusting and move your hips in a circular pattern - that's called Churning The Butter in Tantric sex circles, and it can send her into orbit. Another variation: try eight shallow thrusts followed by one deep one. The shallow thrust should just press on her G spot, so don't go more than a couple of inches into her when you try this routine.

Another great idea for her to reach orgasm is to have her sitting on a table with her legs apart - or any other surface where she's the right height for you to enter her while you're standing in front of her - and to thrust into her as you kiss and hold each other. If you want to increase the chances of her reaching orgasm, you can give her a little extra clitoral stimulation, and your regular thrusting may catch her G spot in just the right way to bring her to a rapid climax. It's also a lot more exciting to be having sex both in an unusual position and out of the bedroom, and the extra excitement of this can help take you both to a quicker orgasm.

Next, there's a very loving position known as the spoons position. She lies on her side with her back towards you, while you enter her from behind. This is a very easy position to get into, especially if she lifts her upper leg slightly while you push into her, and it feels great for both of you. You can reach around her, caress her breasts and kiss her neck and back, while she (or you) can play with her clitoris. Another great variation of this position is to make love on your sides while you face each other: it's easiest to get into this position by starting from the man on top, where she raises her legs and you then roll over onto your sides. You can keep going for much longer in this position, as there's much less pressure on your penis: with the right amount of loving attention and perhaps a helping hand on her clitoris, she will reach orgasm before you do, and you can even enjoy the pleasure of simultaneous orgasm.

And lastly, what about the thrill of rear entry (aka doggy style)? It's many men's favorite position, raw, rude and raunchy, and usually makes men come quite quickly. But the surprising thing is that lots of women like it too, and there are plenty of good reasons for this. It allows deep penetration, it allows her to express her sexuality to the full (she can thrust, move and ride her man as she wishes) and, above all, it hits the spot - the G spot, that is! It's a very primal position, especially if you reach forward and hold her hips and guide her movements. If she raises her hips or lowers them, you'll get a lot of variation in sensation - so you can find the position that gives you both the greatest pleasure.

There you are, then: a series of positions to try for the thrill of orgasm during intercourse. But if these positions don't do it for you, don't worry - just ensure she has her orgasm (with oral sex or a hand job) before you enter her, and you'll both still be satisfied. While being able to reach orgasm during intercourse feels great, there are plenty of other ways of getting sexual satisfaction!


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How to Talk to Your Wife About Sex

Are you interested in having better sex with your wife? If you are it is very important that you take the time to express that to your wife. The problem is that it can be a little bit challenging to confront the issue of sex with your wife. Here are a few tips that can help things go a lot smoother.

Proceed with caution

Do not criticize your wife. This will have a negative effect. You must be very gentle with your wife. Remember, it's not what you say but how you say it. Be honest about how you feel. Let your wife know that you would like to try new things in the bedroom such as a new position. Make suggestions. Just remember to be very gentle with your approach and avoid making your wife feel inadequate.

Don't be pushy

Once you have spoke with your wife about how you feel don't keep bringing it back up. Say how you feel, make a few suggestions and then give her some time. Your wife will need time because her feelings may be a little hurt by the fact that she is not pleasing you in the bedroom. She will need a little time to herself before she will feel comfortable trying out some of the suggestions you have made.

Be a good listener

Most men automatically think their wives are no longer attached to them sexually. Although this can sometimes be the case, often times it is not. A woman's body goes through an unbelievable amount of changes. Some women as they get older become fearful of showing off their bodies. Your wife may also be going through menopause or have a medical condition that is affecting her sex drive. It is important to talk to your wife but more important to listen.

Give her a gift

If you are still unsure of how to approach the topic of sex with your wife you might consider giving her a gift that lets her know where you are coming from. For instance you could give her a book with different sexual positions or a new sexy outfit. Besides being a nice gesture giving a gift is also a great way to spark up a conversation. This could make it a little bit easier for you to talk to your wife about your sexual wants and needs.

In short, don't avoid talking to your wife about sex. Just remember to be gentle and above all be a good listener.


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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Marriage Advice - Putting Romance Back in Marriage

Many people complain that after you're been in a relationship for a while, the romance starts to die. Everything becomes boring and predictable. Just thinking about it makes you feel tired all over. Maybe you're starting to think about those passionate, tender moments you enjoyed early in your relationship, and find yourself wishing you could relive them. If so, read on! There are things you can do to bring passion back into your relationship.

The most important rule is this: Don't wait for your partner to make the first move. Take action and do something unexpected! Bring roses home for no reason. Give your partner an unexpected massage. Hide little notes around the house, or slip one in their lunch.

Start taking notice of the good things your partner does. Do they clean the dishes right away? Do they do the laundry most of the time? Do they handle the bills? Do they remember to get your favorite munchies at the grocery store? Tell them how much you appreciate it.

Get to know your partner all over again--ask them some questions and get a conversation started. You could ask something silly like, "If you could only eat one thing every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Or you can try something more serious, like asking what their goals are. Even if you think you know what they'll say, their answers may have changed!

Putting romance back in marriage requires action. If nothing else, remember this: People respond well when they feel appreciated and loved. If you romance your partner and make them feel special, chances are they will start to reciprocate. Take the first steps to re-ignite the flame of romance.


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