Welcome to the October 19, 2008 edition of Anything Goes & General News.
Applying the Law of Attraction presents Can the Law of Attraction Bring the Family Closer Together? posted at Applying the Law of Attraction Membership Library, saying, "With the law of attraction, you will come to see that you can do anything. You can focus on the family aspect, you can focus on yourself, you can focus on your career, but you can also work on anything else that you desire to."
Aparna presents Earrings according to your face shape posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming.
Vardenafils presents Teton Gravity Research Forums - View Profile: vardenafilbuy posted at Teton Gravity Research Forums, saying, "Let's start to read behind the words..=) It's a game... My word is vardenafil......."
AndrewB presents Stop Binge Eating posted at test, saying, "Do you hear of smoking disorder? or watching too much tv disorder? or being a lazy bum who does nothing with their life disorder? No, but how come? None of those is any different from what they call binge eating disorder."
SweetCaroline presents Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition OEM o Downloadable OEM Software posted at Downloadable OEM Software, saying, "Symantec Norton Antivirus 2005"
Bill Urell presents How Women Become Addicted | Addiction Recovery Basics posted at Addiction Recovery Basics, saying, "Reasons for, and the effects of addiction are distinctly different for women vs. men. Specifics are revealed as this article explores these differences."
Ms. Cheevious presents Death of Paul Newman posted at Ms. Cheevious, saying, "Fred the Wonder Chicken and I were talking about Paul Newman and how his death was such a great loss to our world"
Great Management presents The Power of Words posted at The GreatManagement Blog, saying, "Words are powerful. They can inspire confidence or they can have the exact opposite effect - create a lack of confidence. Let me give you an example, using the current presidential campaign."
Applying the Law of Attraction presents Can You Bring People Closer With the Law of Attraction? posted at Applying the Law of Attraction Membership Library, saying, "Being positive and keeping a good outlook on life is going to be
critical to having great success and being the person that you
would like to become. Knowing..."
Tushar Mathur presents Why You Should Travel posted at Travel-Eat-Sleep, saying, "Recently I traveled to Cleveland which sits beside Lake Erie in Ohio state. This major Midwestern city bustles with activity. There are lots of tourist attractions, festivals and events."
Roberto Montanez presents 3 Keys to a Good Relationship? Do you have them? posted at Psychbits, saying, "There is nothing worse than being in a bad relationship and there is nothing better than being in a great relationship. But what makes a good relationship from a bad one? There are a plethora of factors influencing how good or bad a relationship can be. Some might say that love is all you need. In my experience, all couples that make things work share these three common elements."
Erin Pavlina presents 2012 and the End of the World posted at Erin Pavlina's Blog, saying, "I’m sure you’ve heard about it. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, and there are signs in so many places … the world is going to end in 2012. I get at least 3 or 4 emails per week asking if I believe the world will really end in 2012 or if there will be a spiritual awakening, or if God is coming down to select his top 100 people to take to Heaven while the rest of us go to Hell."
AndrewB presents How to Stop Binge Eating posted at Stop Binge Eating, saying, "Here is how I was able to quickly stop binge eating, lose weight and keep it off."
Britannica Blog presents Art & the Tumbling Market: Revisiting The Gift by Lewis Hyde | Britannica Blog posted at Britannica Blog, saying, "A few nights ago I read the afterword to the new edition of Lewis Hyde’s The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World. Originally published in the 1983, The Gift examines the vital place of gift exchange in human life, and especially the ways in which creative work flows in gift-giving channels."
Business News

Melanie presents Benefits of Self-Publishing posted at Welcome to the jexbo® blog - Tips for self-published authors and entrepreneurs!, saying, "Self-publishing can help you save time and money. Find out all the benefits of self-publishing on Jill Exler's blog."
Melanie presents Financial Help for Small Business Owners posted at Rembrandt's PR and Writing Blog for Startup Success, saying, "If you are feeling anxious about your finances right now, check out these sites for help and www.rembrandtwrites.com."
Melanie presents Small Business Public Relations-What to pitch right now posted at Rembrandt's PR and Writing Blog for Startup Success, saying, "Do you know what reporters want to hear right now? Find out and use the power of the press to boost sales for your small business!"
Rich Maltzman, PMP presents The WBS: Wall Street's Breakdown Structure posted at Scope crêpe.
Dennis Scheffler presents Logo Design Ideas for Your Company posted at Logo Design Blog, saying, "A logo for your company will be the corner stone of your marketing efforts, so you need to come up with some logo design ideas that will really pop and get noticed."
Raymond presents New FDIC Insured Limit Covers Bank Deposits Up To $250,000 posted at Money Blue Book.
Joe Manausa presents Dave McCormick On Restoring Global Stability posted at Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, saying, "Under Secretary David H. McCormick made the following remarks about the current economic turmoil while speaking at Wharton’s Eleventh Annual Investment Management Conference. He identified how the chaos basically got started and acknowledged that we are now paying the price."

Zodiacs4u presents Best Matches for Libra - Sun Signs, Love Matching, Star Sign Horoscopes, Zodiac Compatibility posted at Star Signs, saying, "What are the best romantic matches for Libras?"
Nara presents Hiring a Private Investigator for Suspected Infidelity posted at Surviving Infidelity, saying, "This is how you go about hiring a PI to investigate infidelity."
Howling Mad Jay presents It's gotta be the hair posted at The World's Greatest Blog.
Alvaro Fernandez presents Brainy Haikus for brain training posted at SharpBrains, saying, "Enjoy this collection of fantastic haikus on brain and mind topics, and contribute yours!"

Ken presents Why Do Men Cheat? Hurt Wives Want to Know posted at Cheating Detective, saying, "Why do men cheat? Information for wives."
Denis Dobrochasov presents Taken for a Ride posted at Chasov Blog - Your World Insight, saying, "Chasov Blog publishes professional and quality content discussing a wide variety of subjects and providing contrasting points of view on different subject matters. Some topics of interest include business creation, network marketing, life events, relationships, money, banking, news, television, movies, travel, education, biking, gardening, fitness and a variety of others."
Mac presents Top 10 Secrets of True Wealth posted at Actorlicious.
Matthew Paulson presents Dealing With an Overspending Spree posted at American Consumer News.
Debt Freedom Fighter presents How To Save Money Without Thinking About It posted at Discover Debt Freedom!.
Money Answer Guy presents What Options Are Available to Me in Paying Off My College Loan? posted at The Money Answer Guy.
Odd News

swollenpickles presents Daylight savings responsible for drought says Albury man posted at Swollen Pickles.
Kristen McCarthy presents Organic is Next to Godliness posted at this-sustainable-life.com, saying, "Organic products have become the food of the bourgeois –and I’m not talking about the kind of food historically only available to the rich: calf liver pâtés, speckled Emu eggs, and ninety-nine dollar square watermelons –instead, I’m talking about the essential food groups that ensure our nutrition: vegetables, fruit, grains, and dairy."
John Phillips presents Time Off to Vote for Employees?A State by State Survey posted at The Word, saying, "Since voting has become such a hot button issue in the current election, both employers and employees need to know their rights. This post tells you for all 50 states."
David Weingarten presents "Toronto 18" Guilty Verdict Fuels Government Gravy-Train posted at Weingarten.ca, saying, "Contains exclusive comments from RCMP informant Mubin Shaikh"
kudzumaster presents Michele Bachmann and her Anti-American Paranoia posted at The Vine.

Mac presents Eco Friendly Tips for the Home posted at Actorlicious.
Wakish presents Nike+iPod - An Amazingly Creative Gadget | Wakish Wonderz posted at Wakish Wonderz.
debergerac78 presents BiztechDay - Take Action to Grow Your Business posted at Creating With Impact, saying, "BiztechDay features speakers who are successful entrepreneurs, pioneers, and tech experts, all in one event that aims to make your business a roaring success."
masahira presents TT-NEWS Forum - Profil ansehen: Levitra Kaufen posted at TT-NEWS Forum, saying, "i agreed with author. thanksqz"
Top Stories

Talk Prom Dresses presents Estimated Costs for Prom 2009 posted at Prom Dresses, saying, "How much will prom cost you this year?"
Sam presents NEW !! The Bank Crisis, the Subprime Mortgage Crisis and How they Affect You posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "The Bank Crisis, the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
And How They Affect You
At the foundation of the bank crisis and the stock market crash of 2008 are money, greed and risk.
The New World of Mortgages
Traditionally, when you applied for a mortgage, your bank handled all stages of the transaction. The bank checked your credit, lent you money to buy a house, held the mortgage in its vault, collected your monthly payments and foreclosed on any bad loans. In the 1990s, things changed. A different specialist handled each stage of the mortgage. Mortgage brokers drummed up applicants for mortgages. Mortgage banks lent the money and held the mortgage note. They quickly resold these mortgage notes to investment banks. Mortgage servicing companies collected your monthly payment, and remitted the money to the owner of your mortgage.
Creative Finance with Mortgages
Meanwhile, investment banks put the mortgages into a trust, sorted the mortgages by risk and designed a new financial instrument, called a CMO, collateralized mortgage obligation. Basically CMOs were fancy debt instruments, IOUs with a fixed rate of return, based on bundles of home mortgages. The CMOs were supposed to work just like corporate bonds. Some CMOs, the toxic ones, were based on high risk mortgages, and some CMOs were based on high-quality, lower-interest mortgages. CMOs were rated for quality just like corporate bonds. Everyone in the financial world wanted to own them."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Anything Goes & General News using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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anything goes & general news, blog carnival.

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