The most important rule is this: Don't wait for your partner to make the first move. Take action and do something unexpected! Bring roses home for no reason. Give your partner an unexpected massage. Hide little notes around the house, or slip one in their lunch.
Start taking notice of the good things your partner does. Do they clean the dishes right away? Do they do the laundry most of the time? Do they handle the bills? Do they remember to get your favorite munchies at the grocery store? Tell them how much you appreciate it.
Get to know your partner all over again--ask them some questions and get a conversation started. You could ask something silly like, "If you could only eat one thing every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Or you can try something more serious, like asking what their goals are. Even if you think you know what they'll say, their answers may have changed!
Putting romance back in marriage requires action. If nothing else, remember this: People respond well when they feel appreciated and loved. If you romance your partner and make them feel special, chances are they will start to reciprocate. Take the first steps to re-ignite the flame of romance.

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